As a student, I was fortunate enough to not need extra support or guidance from the counselor because if I had, I’m not sure our school would have been able to provide it. Again, not because the counselors were bad at their jobs, just because of the sheer number of students at our school would have been overwhelming to even the most experienced counselor...
Enter The Student Success Academy. An organization with the goal of turning that ratio from 1:500 to 1:1. They believe this can be accomplished through web-based software that connects high school students with well-trained and relatable university students who can help guide them through the college process and career exploration. According to their organization,
Our platform uses one on one video chat to personalize each student's high school journey. With our platform and gaming strategies, we turn the counselor experience into a social interaction across the entire school. We provide 4G internet, headsets, and cameras for our students so they can connect with their own personal success consultants in the most efficient manner possible.
We also provide virtual office hours, back to school keynotes, webinars, and resources for college admissions, scholarships, and career readiness. This gives each student the opportunity to receive over 20 hours of personal time every week.
Now, I’m not saying that this program should replace guidance counselors, far from it. Counselors provide so much more support than just for college admissions, and they are an integral part of a successful school. But, in schools where counselors are overworked and under-supported, this program could be a great resource on the college and career planning side of the counselor’s workload.
So, if you’re interested, you can check out their site for more information AND the academy just announced a “VIP Success Award” in which they’re giving away $10,000 of their services to one lucky school. For more information, you can visit the Student Success Academy online.
*Statistics from PRWeb & The American School's Counselor Association