to the Site of the Annual Canadian Polar Bear Migration

Registration is Open for the Live, No-Cost, Virtual Experience Transporting Students to the Site of the Annual Canadian Polar Bear Migration ![]() Silver Spring, Md. (October 28, 2019) – Discovery Education and Polar Bears International, the only nonprofit with a sole focus on polar bears, are again teaming up to present students and teachers with a no-cost Virtual Field Trip to the Arctic Tundra. Through the magic of technology, participants will be transported to the shores of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Canada, to witness the annual polar bear migration, investigate the Arctic habitat, and explore the lives and careers of the people that work and live in the polar region. Discovery Education is the global leader in standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms.
Schools across New York can now choose Impero to manage student devices ![]() Austin, TX, Oct. 10, 2019 – Impero Software, a specialist provider of remote monitoring and management software for education, has received a contract from the Erie 1 BOCES in New York to be listed as an approved classroom management vendor. This allows districts who are served by Erie 1 BOCES, and all school districts across New York, to choose Impero to manage classroom devices based on a specified price. Use of Digital Social Studies Curriculum in All District Middle Schools Will Also Support the New Washington State K-12 Social Studies Learning Standards ![]() Silver Spring, Md. (October 14, 2019) – Highline Public Schools (HPS) opened its middle schools this fall using Discovery Education’s digital Social Studies Techbook to support standards based instruction. Through this new collaboration, Discovery Education is providing educators and students in seven Highline schools access to an innovative, digital social studies resource supportive of existing Common Core State Standards, the C3 Framework, and the new Washington State K-12 Social Studies Learning Standards. Discovery Education is the global leader in standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms. hand2mind celebrates 40 years of VersaTiles by supporting educators with matching donations ![]() (Vernon Hills, IL) October 8, 2019 – To celebrate the 40th anniversary of its VersaTiles® product, hand2mind has committed to match donations up to $100,000 on VersaTiles Classroom Kits on The donation match will benefit thousands of students and hundreds of classrooms across the country. Over its 40 years, VersaTiles has helped over 1 million students build math and literacy proficiency in a challenging and rewarding way. Teachers have relied on VersaTiles for independent skills practice in both math and literacy and for use in small groups, rotations, centers, and stations. |
EditorialsHere you can find the Round Up's collection of editorial pieces and press releases where we will discuss the latest trends and ideas in educational technology FeaturedCheck out our featured review | ClassroomAPP: A Complete, K-12 Digital Platform for Online and In-Person Classrooms
November 2020
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