More information about this new program, which was designed from the ground-up for the full-time K-12 educator and features Discovery Education’s high-quality professional development content, can be found here. Discovery Education is the leader in standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms.
The City of Findlay, just south of Toledo and located approximately 1.5 hours from Columbus, Dayton and Detroit, has been designated a "dreamtown" by Demographics Daily, repeatedly named one of the top 20 micropolitan areas (small towns) in the United States by Site Selection magazine and is the only municipality in Ohio to be selected three times as one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People by America's Promise.
The courses offered through UF’s Master of Arts in Education Program focusing on STEAM are designed and taught by leaders in the fields of STEAM education, educational technology, and pedagogy. With courses focusing on topics such as leading innovation in schools today, inquiry-based science instruction, science and technology for educators, differentiated instruction, children’s literature across the curriculum, and school leadership, participants learn concepts online that can be readily applied in the classroom the next day. For more information about UF’s Master of Arts in Education emphasizing STEAM or to register for the spring semester, visit this website.
“University of Findlay is excited to launch this innovative master’s emphasis in STEAM Instruction and is celebrating this new relationship with Discovery Education,” said Dr. Gwynne Rife, Program Chair Advanced and Professional Programs. “Discovery Education’s STEAM focused content and excellent teaching resources complement the University of Findlay’s online education programs that seek to prepare teachers for the challenge of educating 21st century learners.”
To help support K-12 educators drive improved student achievement, implement high-yield instructional strategies, and propel their careers forward, Discovery Education has collaborated with graduate-level educators for over a decade. These collaborations have designed immersive graduate-level courses delivered through advanced degree programs that help K-12 educators develop their instructional practice and career. The addition of University of Findlay is an expansion of this effort and part of a network of Universities offering educators affordable, online programs that drive high-impact K-12 teaching and instructional leadership.
“Discovery Education is proud to support the innovative team at the University of Findlay as they launch this ground-breaking new online degree program focused on building teachers’ capacity for STEAM teaching and learning,” said Kelli Campbell, Discovery Education’s President, International & University. “Today’s students need well developed communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking skills for future success, and this new program will help teachers build the immersive STEAM experiences that will help students develop those critical skills.”
For more information about Discovery Education’s digital curricular resources and professional learning services, visit www.discoveryeducation.com, and stay connected with Discovery Education on social media through Facebook, follow us on Twitter at @DiscoveryEd, or find us on Instagram and Pinterest.