approach to learning a skill that is essential for 21st-century students
These pedagogical games are designed for both computers and touchscreen devices, providing easy access for everyone.
In TypeTastic, pedagogical games create and support the learning, rather than just serving as rewards for completing typing exercises. This game-based learning increases student motivation, speeds up results, and helps kids develop a positive attitude towards keyboarding. In TypeTastic, the learning and gameplay are completely inseparable. Every game has a pedagogical goal and together, the games form a solid, engaging, step-by-step learning path to developing typing skills.
The first chapter of TypeTastic was released in March 2017, and it recorded almost 100,000 users during the first month.
This first set of games focuses on keyboard memorization using color codes and letter grouping. Upcoming chapters include games that emphasize hand-eye coordination, keyboarding skills, writing words, and building word fluency. By chapter 4, Keyboarding Kickstart, kids will learn how to engage all ten fingers on the keyboard. There are currently two versions of TypeTastic available: a free, public edition; and an ad-free version for the schools (which will be offered for free through the end of 2017).
“Typing skills are vital for 21st-century kids,” said Petteri Väliaho, CEO and co-founder of TypingMaster. “A lot of U.S. school tests require proficient typing, so it is an essential part of the learning curriculum. TypeTastic gets young kids started with typing in a fun and compelling way that keeps them interested and engaged. It takes the frustration out of typing lessons for both students and teachers, and helps kids as young as five learn to enjoy typing.”
Students can use the browser-based TypeTastic on PCs, Macs, Chromebooks, and tablets—without installation or plugins. Tablet users also have the option to connect through an external keyboard.
About TypingMaster
Typing Master Inc., headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, is an ed tech corporation founded in 1992. The company offers typing software and solutions for schools, corporations, and consumers, and it has more than 4 million monthly users globally. In addition to TypeTastic, other products include Typing Quest keyboarding courses for schools and, the number one website to test typing skills. To learn more, please visit