TIME For Kids is used in one-third of U.S. public elementary schools, supporting more than 3 million students every year with engaging, grade-appropriate content in both print and digital formats. The development of the TFK Classroom App for kindergarten through sixth grade and TIME Edge for grades 6 and up allows even more students to access award-winning nonfiction content, and these digital platforms make it even easier for teachers to integrate current events into their curriculum. Engaging videos, top-notch photography, and primary sources bring news and history to life.
Launched in October of 2014, the Classroom App is now available on any device with an Internet connection. With its multimedia features, the app brings to life nonfiction content from the printed magazines and includes Spanish-language translations, definitions of “power words,” and more. TIME Edge—a natural extension of TIME For Kids—is a digital current events resource specifically developed for middle school classrooms. Both TFK and TIME Edge support the teaching of nonfiction and paired texts. Teacher resources are aligned with Common Core Standards, as well as national social studies and science standards.
A team of editors—many of whom are former classroom teachers— develop content appropriate for each grade level. The interactive features available in the digital platforms allow students to connect with the texts on a deeper level, making learning even more meaningful. Assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards give teachers an even stronger sense of their students’ strengths and areas for improvement. TIME Edge also features the Google Classroom share button, allowing teachers who are already using Google Classroom to easily share content and assignments with their students.
Both the Classroom App and TIME Edge are available for a free trial, which includes full access for teachers and students. To learn more about the Classroom App and to register for the free trial, visit bit.ly/TFKFreeTrial. To sign up for the TIME Edge free trial, visit TIMEEdge.com.
About TIME For Kids
With 20 years of classroom experience, TIME For Kids is a trusted leader in education resources for teachers, students and parents. TIME For Kids delivers authentic content that covers a wide range of real-world topics through nonfiction text and multimedia tools that align with the Common Core State Standards. A powerful teaching tool, TIME For Kids builds reading and writing skills and is easily integrated across many curriculums, including social studies, science and math, creating lifelong readers and informed citizens. TIME For Kids is a division of Time Inc. For more information, visit timeforkids.com.
About TIME Edge
Developed by the editors of TIME For Kids, TIME Edge is the premier digital tool for bringing current events and authentic primary sources to grades six and up. The robust content is specifically tied to the middle school curriculum, and the platform includes Common Core-aligned quizzes on each feature article. These tools help students explore the texts more deeply and offer a wealth of resources for teachers. TIME Edge can be used in any middle school classroom, on any device, with articles on a variety of topics including science, social studies and more. In addition to engaging, authentic nonfiction texts, TIME Edge includes access to the TIME Vault, with its nearly 90 years of TIME content to use in the classroom. For more information, visit TIMEEdge.com.