XL Africa is supported by the World Bank Group, with financial assistance from the governments of Finland, Norway and Sweden, and managed by implementing partners IMC Worldwide, VC4Africa and Koltai&Co.
Snapplify has a long history of working to improve digital education in Africa. In 2017, the company has rolled out eLearning solutions to over 500 South African schools, and run digital learning pilots in Kenyan schools. Here, Snapplify’s award-winning Snappbox – a hardware distribution solution for eBooks – has been used to increase affordable access to digital books where internet connectivity is limited or expensive.
Earlier this year, Snapplify was recognised by the London Stock Exchange Group (LSE) as one of the Companies to Inspire Africa for 2017. The company also won the SAB Innovation Award and was nominated for the the Eduweek Awards and the British Book Award for Non-traditional Retailer.
‘Snapplify is proud and excited to have been included in this important pan-African initiative. We look forward to connecting with other companies who are using technology to tackle social problems, and with investors looking to drive innovation in Africa,’ said Snapplify’s Growth Director Tarryn-Anne Anderson.
‘XL Africa aims to put a spotlight on the continent’s growing digital economy by scouting for andsupportingthemostinnovativetechstart-ups,’said K lausTilmes,DirectoroftheTrade & Competitiveness Global Practice at the World Bank Group. ‘The success of these ventures will create a demonstration effect that can attract much-needed growth investment in the sector and catalyze scaling of transnational businesses in the region.’
About Snapplify
Snapplify is a media and technology company with offices in South Africa, Kenya, and Europe. We provide a comprehensive platform for distribution, reading and retail of eBooks, magazines and newspapers.
Website: https://solutions.snapplify.com/
South Africa store: https://store.snapplify.com/
Kenyastore: https://www.snapplify.co.ke/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Snapplify
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/snapplify/