The edWebinar will focus on how to make the most of meaningful math models and demonstrate how visual and concrete models support coherent content progressions in mathematics across grade levels. Presenter James Burnett will provide an introduction to four visual models often used in K-6 grade education, lead a discussion about the benefits of using the array/area model for developing multiplication facts and show how the thinking can be extended through grade levels.
More Information:
1) The free edWebinar is the second live stream feed as part of ORIGO Education’s professional learning community about mathematics, Mathematics for Young Learners, launched on edWeb in March 2017. Educators may join ORIGO’s community to watch previously recorded sessions and receive updates about upcoming educational opportunities.
2) edWeb communities give teachers a place to learn, grow skills, and earn CE certificates for completed professional development. In addition to edWebinars, the Mathematics for Young Learning community will offer free videos from ORIGO Education, ORIGO 1, which are animated one-minute videos explaining math concepts. Sample: Introducing Types of Addition
3) ORIGO’s One Minute Mathematics includes over 20 animated videos explaining how to teach math concepts. More than two dozen additional videos will be released in the coming school year.
4) Stepping Stones 2.0 – the newest comprehensive math program for grades PreK-6 from ORIGO Education – officially launched April 5 during the NCTM conference.
About ORIGO Education
ORIGO Education makes mathematics meaningful, enjoyable, and accessible for PreK-6 grade students. ORIGO produces printed products, digital interactive resources, and professional learning. ORIGO’s web-based and print solution, Stepping Stones, is an award-winning, comprehensive mathematics program for grades Pre-K–6 and is available in English and Spanish, ORIGO produces free animated Math Minutes to explain critical concepts in mathematics education. For more information about ORIGO Education, visit #ORIGO #ORIGOLearns