1) All images are Creative Commons licensed
2) When downloaded each image is automatically footnoted with a proper citation
3) The search engine has multiple safe image filters to produce the highest quality results
Quick Search
With billions of photos in the database and lightning fast results it is quick and easy to get a large collection of gorgeous choices.
Copyright Concerns
Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/) licensing means that the original creators of the photos have explicitly said as long as they are cited students are free to use their images.
Safe Photos
Photos for Class is built on top of Flickr’s (www.flickr.com) safe photo search engine with a few custom tweaks to make it even safer. If an image manages to slip by, users are able to report it so that it will be removed from viewing.
Easy Footnoting
When a photo is downloaded Photos for Class “autocites” the images with the necessary attribution to the original author and a link to the licensing terms.
What can Photos for Class be used for?
Photos for Class can be used any time a photo is needed. Great for reports, presentations and posters!
Try it today!