The grant will provide U.S. education establishments with $1,250 to $25,000 toward the purchase of Impero’s online monitoring software, Impero Education Pro. Applicants can apply through Sept. 30, 2018 by visiting https://www.imperosoftware.com/us/school-online-safety-grant/
“While many establishments will be bolstering their physical security through the installation of closed-circuit video, motion detectors, turnstiles and other measures, it’s important not to neglect digital safety and security,” said Impero CEO Richard Fuller. “As concerns about student safety continue to rise, the need to identify potential risks and intervene sooner has never been so important. This grant will support schools and districts in these efforts.”
As schools and districts work to improve their safety and security programs, it is important for them to consider:
- Using monitoring technology to identify students who may be at potential risk of engaging in violence or other harmful activities before a situation escalates
- Supporting the school’s threat prevention and assessment plans by gathering evidence of students’ online behavior and comparing it to their offline behavior to obtain a bigger picture
- Providing opportunities for promoting good digital citizenship
Over the past decade, Impero has worked alongside schools, charities and specialist organizations such as Mental Health America (MHA), the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), and SafeBAE to develop keyword libraries covering a broad range of safeguarding and student welfare issues, from bullying, self-harm and suicide to grooming, race and religious hatred, and weapons and violence. All terms are assigned severity ratings and offer definitions.
Real-time monitoring, keyword captures and a log of all student activity helps schools and districts identify potentially harmful or inappropriate behavior and content. Screenshots and video recordings of these captures also provide contextual insight; this empowers educators to provide counter narratives, intervene where necessary (and before an incident escalates), and offer relevant support. Schools can also use this insight, such as identifying localized trends and issues, to educate students about being good digital citizens and support student wellbeing.
About Impero Software
Impero Software offers remote monitoring and management software, relied upon by education establishments around the world. Founded in 2002, Impero software is now accessed by over 1.5 million devices in over 90 countries. Impero is used by more than 1,400 UK high schools and in more than 500 U.S. districts.
Impero’s cutting edge EdTech software consolidates a range of powerful classroom, network and device management features enabling schools and colleges to reduce costs and improve both staff and student productivity. Impero’s sophisticated online safety functionality uses keyword detection technology to help schools safeguard students online. For more information visit: www.imperosoftware.com.