(Austin, TX) Dec. 18, 2018 – The Southwest Educational Development Center in Utah has partnered with Impero Software, a specialist provider of remote monitoring and management software for education, to bring Impero’s flagship product, Impero Education Pro, to schools throughout Southwest Utah.
SEDC is a collaborative of six school districts and eight charter schools serving approximately 45,000 students in southwest Utah. To support its schools, many of which have 1:1 technology programs, SEDC issued an RFP for classroom management solutions and selected Impero Education Pro.
“As more school districts add technology or launch 1:1 initiatives, they must also make sure they have solutions in place to manage and monitor those devices,” said Impero CEO Richard Fuller. “Our partnership with SEDC will help teachers and students in Southwest Utah make the most of their classroom technology.”
Impero Education Pro provides a combination of classroom management tools, student safety features and network administration functions to help schools provide effective digital learning environments. Multi-device monitoring, including the ability to remotely view, manage and control devices such as Chromebooks, Windows, Mac and iOS, supports schools with 1:1 programs. Teachers use the software to monitor students’ screens, share content with students, and control or lock student devices to keep students focused.
The software’s safety features allow teachers or administrators to receive alerts if students type or search for keywords and phrases that may indicate concerns around bullying, self-harm, suicide, mental health and more. The software also includes IT administrative functions such the ability to remotely track, monitor, and manage resources across a school network, remotely reset passwords and set computers to power on or off at certain times.
The 30,000-student Washington County School District was one of the first SEDC districts to start using Impero Education Pro. Data and Software Systems Coordinator Jim Black said the software supports the district’s strong focus on digital citizenship. “If a student is behaving inappropriately on technology, a teacher can see it immediately and react. This helps keep students on task and also promotes discussions about appropriate use of technology in the classroom because the teacher can immediately turn it into a learning opportunity.”
About Impero Software
Impero Software offers remote monitoring and management software, relied upon by education establishments around the world. Founded in 2002, Impero software is now accessed by over 1.5 million devices in over 90 countries. Impero is used by over 1,400 UK high schools and in over 500 U.S. districts.
Impero’s cutting edge EdTech software consolidates a range of powerful classroom, network and device management features enabling schools and colleges to reduce costs and improve both staff and student productivity. Impero’s sophisticated online safety functionality uses keyword detection technology to help schools safeguard students online. For more information visit: www.imperosoftware.com.
About SEDC
The Southwest Educational Development Center (SEDC)’s mission is to meet the needs of students and teachers, promote achievement, and provide for economy and efficiency in the cooperative delivery of educational services identified and requested by member schools. SEDC’s services include technology support, professional development, Autism services, a rich media program, and coordination of the yearly Sterling Scholar competition in southwest Utah.