Sam Pemberton, CEO of Impero says, “We recognized that, as a business, having achieved everything we set out to achieve with Connection Capital it was time to find new owners with a wealth of experience in the EdTech space, who would help us deliver on our next set of business goals and with the expertise to drive international expansion. We were impressed by Investcorp Technology Partners’ knowledge of our sector, enthusiasm and deep understanding of our business and commitment to growth. I am delighted to be working alongside their world-class team.”
Investcorp Technology Partners has a strong track record in the tech space, investing in European-headquartered technology companies with strong management teams. Commenting on the investment, Gilbert Kamieniecky, Managing Director of Investcorp, said, “The mission critical nature of Impero’s product offering, its strong reputation with customers and its attractive growth prospects in the UK and abroad represent a very attractive investment opportunity for Investcorp Technology Partners. Its best-in-class safeguarding software and high levels of recurring revenue have allowed it to secure a leading market position. These fundamental business strengths make it an ideal candidate for Investcorp Technology Partners to partner with.”
It is very much ‘business as usual’ at Impero’s Nottingham and LA offices and customers can look forward to realizing the benefits of Investcorp Technology Partners’ planned increased investment and strategic direction over the coming months and years. “Working with Investcorp Technology Partners not only allows us to accelerate our business plans, it opens new doors in terms of partnerships, opportunities and geographical reach,” explains Pemberton.
Having enlisted PricewaterhouseCoopers to carry out an extensive survey of Impero’s global customer base, Investcorp Technology Partners and Impero have a good understanding of where efforts should be focused moving forward. “The findings from this research will feed into the executive team’s existing impressive plans and we are excited to back the team in resourcing these plans. This is an exciting time for both Impero and Investcorp Technology Partners and we look forward to working together to create value for Impero’s customers, staff, and for other stakeholders,” says Kamieniecky.
About Impero Software
Impero Software offers remote monitoring and management software, relied upon by education establishments around the world. Founded in 2002, Impero software is now accessed by over 1.5 million devices in over 90 countries. Impero is used by over 1,400 UK high schools and in over 500 U.S. districts.
Impero’s cutting edge EdTech software consolidates a range of powerful classroom, network and device management features enabling schools and colleges to reduce costs and improve both staff and student productivity. Impero’s sophisticated online safety functionality uses keyword detection technology to help schools safeguard students online.
For more information visit: www.imperosoftware.com