Even more importantly, it’s a great way to stay in touch with students regularly. Often, it’s difficult to get information and resources out to students in a regular and uniform way.
The benefits of blogging for teaching:
- Quick distribution of learning resources.
- Easy way to communicate with students, getting feedback from them on assignments and resources you’ve shared.
- Prevents fracturing of learning levels in students; every student will get the information at the same time, and no student will fall behind in their learning.
- Fantastic way of distributing interactive or multimedia resources, such as videos, articles and more.
- Students don’t have to physically be there to receive learning materials; they’re accessible from anywhere.
How to Get Started With Using Blogging in Your Classroom
Start by signing up to a free blogging platform such as Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger or Weebly. It’s doesn’t take very long to create one, and once created, it’s easy and quick to post content.
I recommend using Wordpress, due to its ease and use, as well as the fact it’s a reliable platform to host your blog on.
For more information on getting started, check out Mike's site: StartBloggingOnline.com