that contain aspects of gamification and social networking.

With over 30 milion users, is one of the biggest crowdsourced learning platforms online worldwide. The blueprint of Brainly is not simply giving space for questions and answers, The platform puts strong emphasis on the quality and the speed of responses. The content is reviewed by a team of over 400 qualified moderators. The goal of Brainly is for 80% of the questions answered in a time of no longer than 10 minutes.
The platform created by three young entrepreneurs from Poland - Michał Borkowski, Tomasz Kraus and Łukasz Haluch - helps students to improve their skills in various areas of understanding. After logging in, the user may either ask a question or answer other user's queries. The better answers you give, the more points you receive, which helps you get a more respected position in the community.
As mentioned before, Brainly might be situated somewhere among current online learning platforms, where people exchange their goods practically without no agents. That is why Brainly has its part in the battle against inequality in access to education. Students with less resources can still receive homework assistance without needing to hire a tutor.
The community of “Brainliacs” is constantly growing in different parts of the world. The platform is present in the USA, Turkey, Indonesia, Brazil, Philippines and more. In Poland and Russia it already has reached leader status in crowdsourced learning websites area.
The Brainly team believes that the idea of exchanging knowledge via their website is something big-enough to reinvent the way people look at solving homework problems.
About the Author:
Marcin Gnat is a journalist and a blogger fascinated with Edtech and works as a blogs and media specialist for He is also a music fan and a long distance runner.