The eighth annual survey is available to applicants on the Funds For Learning website. Individual responses are kept strictly confidential throughout the survey process and are only used for research and analysis. Once complete, survey data is collected and submitted into the official docket for review by FCC staff and circulated to congressional offices, media outlets and the general public.
To learn more about the Funds For Learning Applicant Survey or to participate, visit
About Funds For Learning
Funds For Learning, LLC, is an E-rate compliance firm specializing in guiding E-rate applicants through the E-rate regulatory process and is an advocate for the use of educational technologies and student internet access. Formed in 1997, Funds For Learning provides professional advice and assistance relating to the E-rate program to clients in all 50 states. For more information, visit www.FundsForLearning.com or phone 405-341-4140.