FastFig users represent more than 120 countries, another demonstration of the universality of mathematics.
find an effective and easy to use math technology . Unlike other math writing tools, which require
the user to understand the complicated markup language LaTeX, FastFig interprets user typing
and formats math into recognizable symbols for math.
Although methods for performing math differ across the world, all students must write out their
calculations in some capacity. That necessity is at the crux of the FastFig technology. FastFig,
which is Fig Labs’ core, freetouse tool, enables students to write, publish, and share math
online. FastFig is adaptable and can be integrated into a variety of math learning platforms. The
tool solves a host of issues unique to math education.
Fig Labs Inc. CEO, Jay Hotaling, says, “Learning a math concept or doing math homework is
about so much more than just getting the right answer. The work behind that answer is what
demonstrates understanding and mastery. FastFig makes capturing that part of math learning
doable for online and digitalclassroom students.”
Fig Labs is also preparing to engage the online learning community with the upcoming release of
its online math testing software, FigPad. FigPad is initiating its pilot programs for schools and
universities across the country, and will be working to spread this technology throughout the
More information about FigPad and other Fig Labs products can be found on
FigPad currently works alongside of existing online testing tools. Interested clients can contact a
FastFig representative at [email protected] for a consultation and/or price quote.