English Spanish Success!™ (ESS!™), an interdisciplinary suite of innovative curriculum products (Sparkito!, Comprendo!, Claro!) published and distributed by Sunburst, is currently being used in 68 Austin Independent School District (AISD) elementary schools and over 100 districts in the U.S. ESS!™ supports language and academic vocabulary acquisition skills for Spanish-dominant speaking student populations.
ESS! is a ground-breaking partnership between Sunburst and Eduspark Inc. formed in 2011 to raise the academic achievement outcome of Spanish speaking students with standards-based digital content resources based on the proven Eduspark™ brain-based teaching and learning methodologies.
“We worked with Sunburst and their English Spanish Success!™ program because, after thorough evaluation, we determined that their digital content resources provided both rigor and engagement for the students enrolled in our AISD dual language program,” stated Ron Bolek, Administrative Support for the AISD Department of English Language Learners and former principal of Wooten Elementary. “ESS!™ is an excellent fit with our dual language instructional model adopted from our work with the Gomez & Gomez Dual Language Training Institute.”
“Leo and I are routinely asked for sources of high-quality English-Spanish materials by school districts. We believe that the English Spanish Success!™ resources uniquely fit our customer’s growing need for instructionally sound materials that are in sync with DLTI methodologies. We are very excited for this partnership as it will arm teachers with materials that can be efficiently implemented with our programs,” said Dr. Richard Gomez, Co-Founder of the Dual Language Training Institute.
ABOUT ENGLISH SPANISH SUCCESS™: http://englishspanishsuccess.com
English Spanish Success™ a division of Sunburst Digital Inc., targets the growing demand from educational communities looking for academic achievement solutions promoting student expectations for Spanish-dominant speaking learners. ESS! ™ is a movement intent on illuminating Latin lives by connecting educators with curriculum and instructional resources promoting positive learning outcomes.
ABOUT SUNBURST DIGITAL: http://sunburst.com
For over 25 years, Sunburst software developers, instructional designers and classroom specialists have been knowledge experts, connecting educators with digital content solutions that enhance academic achievement. Sunburst proprietary and 3rd party products like: Type to Learn™, Ignite Learning®, English Spanish Success!™ (ESS!™), Key Skills®, Learn About™, 10th Planet™, Math Pathways®, Write Brain!™, A-to-Zap!®, Curious George Schoolhouse®, Sesame Street Digital™, Knowledge Adventure School™, Show What You Know/Khan Academy®, Eduspark™, and Big Universe are in over 97% of all U.S. districts.
ABOUT EDUSPARK: http://www.eduspark.com
Eduspark is an international provider of a brain-based PreK-3 dual language digital solution designed to empower teachers and students through accelerating language acquisition, academic vocabulary fluency and curricular concept comprehension, seamlessly in both English and Spanish.