Specifically, we search for and select cutting-edge tech to implement in schools, as well as supply and promote products that boost creativity in children and bolster the ever-important STEM/STEAM education. In addition to this special selection, our customer-focused eStore features thousands of easy-to-use and constructive technologies from apps that augment pre-school learning to Chromebooks that can modernize any classroom.
We're about working to help school communities absorb new technologies, so we created Eduporium to be a service for all! Our blog section includes app testing posts called Appsolutely, which render information on the value and usability of educational applications for parents and kids. We also compile relevant and engaging content to support the creative and productive use of technology that we share with our followers on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Pintrest all while encouraging their interaction.
On top of that, our Maker's Corner features regularly updated resources – clusters of content that supplement the technologies we offer. Our Cool Tech section promotes a technology product, family of products, or type of product (e.g. Raspberry Pi, Arduino, or Graphic Tablets). It takes readers from a "getting started" introduction and possible project ideas to examples of the product's usefulness in education, as well as divulging competition opportunities and workshop openings. On our Project pages, readers can find projects such as talking clocks, environmental sensors, and simple RFID attendance systems that they can fashion themselves at home! Not only will these pages help them find everything they need to construct a project from start to finish (including a FULL parts list), our resources also show readers how to put the project in context – perfect for a classroom or Service Learning!
Another one of our initiatives, Map of Skills, presents a clear, unaltered view of professionals who work with technology and serves as our effort to illuminate the importance of a STEM background. Eduporium has asked career professionals (of all fields – from a firefighter to a Ph.D. researcher) to describe a project they are deeply involved with and to be sure to include any industry-specific terms. The descriptions of skills they use and the technology that is helpful in a modern world illustrate the importance of acquiring complex skills in school and show that there is a deeper personal meaning to education.
We also have Bank of Needs – an interactive tool for our users to match their communal needs with skilled students; Tech Pal to ease technology procurement for schools and IT managers; a profit-sharing program as a permanent fundraising vehicle for schools; a customizable communication portal to encourage and simplify feedback among faculty; and plans and ideas for other ways to make technology accessible, applicable and affordable in K-12 communities.