BOSTON, MA) August 2, 2018 -- BoomWriter Media, Inc., a leading provider of online collaborative writing solutions for education, today announced that the winner of The 2018 Writing Bee is fourth grade student Reagan Vaughan from the Milton Public Schools in Milton, MA.
The free competition encouraged thousands of 4th and 5th grade-aged students in classrooms throughout the United States and England to read, write, share, and vote on each others’ writing submissions while creating original stories and determining The 2018 Writing Bee Champion.
“Learning to write well, across all domains, is in great demand,” said Mary Gormley, the Superintendent of Milton Public Schools. “This year’s Writing Bee enhanced our curriculum, allowed for students to read and write critically on a daily basis, and ultimately engaged over 700 of our children in the publishing process. Not to mention, we could not be more proud of Reagan and her incredible accomplishment.”
After completing their own unique version of chapter two, students then logged back on to BoomWriter to review the anonymous submissions of fellow participants and cast votes for their favorites. The winning submission became the next chapter in the story, and the process continued until the story was completed. Each story was then converted into a published book containing the names of all participating students.
The Writing Bee was a six-month long process that started in schools throughout the United States and England with local qualifying events that took place primarily in the classroom during the school day. Qualifying event chapter winners and top vote getters were then invited to participate in The Writing Bee Finals that consisted of “knockout rounds” in which only the chapter winner and top vote getters were able to advance to the subsequent rounds. Reagan advanced throughout the event and was the winner of the last chapter, thus earning the title of The 2018 Writing Bee Champion.
Chris Twyman, the CEO and co-founder of BoomWriter Media, Inc., concluded, “Every student deserves to have fun while learning, and The Writing Bee definitely brought an element of friendly competitions to the writing process. Students worked hard to create stories that were meaningful to them, were deeply engaged in voting for their peers, and took pride in seeing their own names in print.”
The next Writing Bee starts in October, and will involve middle school students participating in the creation of spoken word oriented content while being inspired by poet, professor, Panther and Oscar nominee, Jamal Joseph. For more information and to get involved in next year’s competition, visit TheWritingBee.Org or email [email protected].