lessons using Kids Discover Online content

“For 25 years, Kids Discover has brought STEM, history, culture, and social studies to life for learners of all ages,” said Ted Levine, the president and CEO of Kids Discover. “We are committed to empowering teachers to design rich, meaningful learning opportunities. #XCurricular is our way of encouraging K-12 educators to share their expertise in fanning the flames of innate curiosity to expand each learner’s grasp of the world.”
From today, September 26, 2016, through October 31, 2016, teachers can submit their entries using this Google Doc Template. The winners of the contest will be announced on November 7, 2016.
Lessons will be judged by a panel of three educational leaders including Kristine Scharaldi, an educational consultant and professional development provider; Dr. Kimberly Greene, associate professor of education and an online educator for Brandman University; and Shannon McClintock Miller, Mackin's Teacher Librarian Advocate.
Educators can submit to #XCurricular for free. Prizes include:
- 1st Prize: Site License ($2,500 value)
- 2nd Prize: Three Educator licenses and Kids Discover print titles (more than $800 value)
- 3rd Prize: $300 credit towards Kids Discover products
For information about the contest or to enter, please visit online.kidsdiscover.com/cross-curricular-contest.
About Kids Discover
For more than 25 years, Kids Discover has been creating beautifully crafted nonfiction products for kids. With a specialty in science and social studies, the team of talented writers, award-winning designers and illustrators, and subject experts from leading institutions is committed to a single mission: to get children excited about reading and learning. For information, please visit KidsDiscover.com.