Edudemic also has a new article on "Teacher-Led Professional Learning: The Latest Revolution in Education." All around the country teachers are teaching their peers through twitter, google, and edcamps. It's absolutely awesome to see all these educators putting in so much time to help others, and I'm glad to see this has become a growing trend in education.
Finally Edudemic has a post entitled, "EdX Wants YOU To Improve their Online Learning Platform." edX is one of the newest and largest MOOCs (massive open online course). The organization offers an enormous variety of high quality online courses for free. And now, they've released their site's source code to the internet in an effort to get educators, programmers, and computer scientists involved in improving the quality of their user experience.

Free Tech also has a short review of a new tool, "Clipping Magic - Remove Background Materials from your Images." Clipping Magic is "a new tool that makes it easy to edit background objects out of your images. For younger students who may have difficulty with advanced image editing programs, Clipping Magic is a great tool.

Teach Thought also gives us "8 Tips for Helping Students Tell Stories in a Social Media World." The post opens with a discussion of the importance of storytelling and then goes on to give 8 ideas to help students better tell their stories. While the guide is directed at students, it would be an excellent resource for a teacher to help his/her students with their own digital storytelling.

The Lightning Round
- Edudemic has a new infographic on The 6 Types of Connected Students
- Educational Technology gives us 5 Tips on How To Use Technology Mindfully
- Teach Thought also has a new infographic, it's on 50 Mobile Learning Statistics for K-12 Education