Edudemic also covers:
Alesha Bishop at Getting Smart also has a review of The Zones of Regulation, a "digital, interactive learning tool designed to help players successfully recognize and regulate their emotions and responses." The app is an excellent tool to help students work on social and emotional skills and Bishop provides a complete review of the game (including potential drawbacks) for those interested.
Finally, Getting Smart covers "3 Tech Tools for the First Day of School." In the post they discuss The Answer Pad (which we recently reviewed), Educlipper (which we also recently reviewed) and Write About This, which is an app to help elementary students respond to visual writing prompts.
The Lightning Round...
- Edudemic shares 7 Time-Saving iPad Tips for Teachers
- Educational Technology has Visual Lists of iPad Apps for Teachers & Students
- They also cover 4 Important Graphics on Blended Learning for Teachers
- And Getting Smart gives us 40 Sources for Curated Educational Videos