Teach Thought also has a post on "20 Reflective Questions to Help Students Response to Common Core Texts." The article discusses the basics of the new common core assessments and reflects on the questions presented in the image below (click for full size):

Alison Anderson at Getting Smart also has a new article on "Transforming Special Educaiton with iPads in LAUSD." The post focuses on the Los Angeles school district and how their special education program has been using iPads to transform their daily curriculum and intervention strategies.
Finally, if you're not familiar with the SAMR (Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition) Model it is used to understand how computer technology might affect teaching and learning (here's a good video explanation) To help make better connections between SAMR and 21st Century Skills, Susan Oxnevad at Getting Smart has a new post, "The SAMR Ladder Through the Lens of 21st Century Skills." In the article, Oxnevad has an interactive image (via ThingLink) that helps explain the connections between SAMR and the 21st century skills.

The Lightning Round...
- Teach Thought shares 10 Popular Blended Learning Resources Teachers Actually Use
- Educational Technology has a new Google Plus Cheat Sheet for Teachers
- Ed Tech also has 5 Great iPad Apps to Explore the Human Body in 3D
- Finally, Educational Technology shares 5 Great Ted Talks for Teachers