Finally, there's a write-up on "eduClipper: It's What Teachers Want Pinterest to Be." eduClipper is, at its core, a visual bookmarking tool (much like Pinterest). But, it handles more than just websites; you can add PDFs, PowerPoints, images, and videos as well. Plus it can link directly to your Google Drive if you've got one set up. And probably the best educational feature is that teachers can create class boards which their students can post to.

So, while your student reads and interacts with the textbook, it's busy collecting data (which sections are more difficult, which parts are the easiest, and so on). Then, those results are sent to the professor for examination and analysis. It's a pretty great way to find out how your students are engaging in their assigned reading. Of course, privacy issues would be an obvious concern that would need to be addressed as well.

- First up, a niceinfographic about creating infographics from Educational Technology.
- Last up, a new featured paper from Digital Learning now about the benefits of blended learning.
Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow!
- The Round Up