Next up, if you haven't yet heard of the new service Vine, or considered how it could be used educationally, then check out "What Is Vine and What's It Doing In My Classroom?" Basically, Vine is twitter but for videos, really short 6-second videos, but videos nonetheless. The article goes further in depth and offers some suggestions for integration.
Finally, Teach Thought has a repost of a Getting Smart article from a few weeks back, "10 Significant Trends in Education and Online Learning." If you didn't catch it the first time around, it's your lucky day!

Continuing on with the iPad, edudemic has a new write-up on "8 Powerful Apps to Help you Create Books on the iPad." If you're fortunate to have iPads in your school, having the students create their own books to show their understanding of particular topics can be an awesome activity. If you're not sure on which apps would be best for that, this Edudemic guide is very worthwhile.
And Edudemic closes with a great Prezi from Pip Cleaves on "Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and Web 2 Tools." (embedded below) and a new infographic on "The Busy Teacher's Quick Common Core Guide."